Our creative office in Innsbruck is where we do our research and develop concepts, no matter who is involved in realizing an idea. It’s also where we have our high-precision laser cutters, which are used for many projects at various production stages. In addition, we have an affinity for old handicraft techniques and so our workspace is buzzing with innovative energy.
Our graphic designers put their maximum effort into each project, ensuring that their handiwork meets our high aesthetic standards. At our premises, we meet with our partners and discuss which materials are best suited for the respective purpose. Which production steps need to be carried out and when. Which finishing options are available. And above all – we keep track of milestone activities to meet the promised deadlines.
sustainable materials.
That’s why we prefer materials such as wood, leather, textiles, paper, and cardboard. We are very conscious of where our materials come from, so we are always looking for eco-friendly and socially responsible suppliers and resources.
Just as every type of wood has its own specific characteristics in terms of processing and use, it is basically the same with every other material. Therefore, it takes considerable expertise to get the best out of each type of material.
We need to touch things and get a feel for them. This is one of the reasons why we work a lot with our hands. Machines are there to support our hands. Not to replace them. Handwork, that's what it is.
We spend much time with old crafts, looking to preserve and keep them alive in old and new ways. We experiment with unusual material combinations, which allows us to create very special synergies.
If you have an expertise or skill set that deserves the distinction "that’s exceptional!", then let us know today. We are extremely curious. And so is our wide-ranging customer base, of course!